All Trades Contacts
"Service is more than a Word"

Class C license holder
lic# 2705-13882
Enter Number or Richard Taylor to verify

Home office
681 Warrtenton Road
Fredericksburg VA.
As Busy professionals we get many call,our answering service will take your name,number where we can reach you, and a description of the work you need done. We will return  your call within one business day . We will do emergency calls If your call is a emergency please text your info to (540) 376-4290 it will sound a alarm to our tech and someone will get back to your as soon as possible. 

Email us
Sevice Magic Web site
"Service is more than a Word", is the tag line my grandfather and grandmother used and believe in when starting their business in 1958. They where very grounded in their Family and cared about us dearly, Sadly, they have both passed from this earth ,but their business is still going strong and being ran by their son and daughters . I am  thankful and proud  to follow in the footsteps of my grandfather and desire to be the best in my trade.I will use the same tag line in honor of them and take pride in the exemplary service All Trades Contacts provides.